Mostly water contributes maximum weight of the human body. our body contains 70 percentage of water. Most commonly our body loses water through  kidney (urine) , skin(sweating) and gastro intestinal system (feces).

Guideline recommendation:
·         Men – 125 ounces per day
·         Women – 91 ounces per day
Health professionals recommend 8 ounces (2 litres) of water per day.

When body needs extra water :
·         Diarrhea
·         Vomiting
·         Fever
·         Increased physical performance
·         Warm/ hot conditions
·         High protein diet
·         High fibre diet

What does water does to our body?

Healthy glowing skin
            Water content in the body helps to improve blood flow in the capillary blood vessels. It improves blood circulation in the skin resulting in younger glowing skin. It prevents premature aging.
Lose body weight
            Drinking water before each meal, helps to take less amount of food which helps in losing weight thereafter. Water also increases satiety and increases metabolism in the body.When the metabolism increases, the energy expenditure of the body also increases, thereby it helps to lose weight.
As recommended, if the person drinks 2 litres of water per day, then the body’s total energy expenditure will be 96 calories per day.
 Influences brain function
·         Increases memory
·         Decreases anxiety and fatigue
·         Improves concentration
·         Increased energy level
·         Decreases the frequency of headache
Relieve constipation
            Water makes the stool soft and helps the people to pass stools easily.
Prevent recurrence of kidney stones
Increases the urine volume, thereby prevent the urine to get more concentrated. It helps to prevent initial formation of stones.
Improves physical performance
·         Controls body temperature
·         Increases motivation
·         Improves physical and mental health


6 – 7 AM
After Waking Up
Remove toxins
Rehydrate your body and brain
Stimulate digestive system
8 – 9 AM
1 hour after Breakfast
Boost immunity
PH Neutralization
Hydrates joints and cartilages
11.30 – 12 PM
1 hour before Lunch
Extra lipid burning
Stimulates digestion
Helps to increase metabolism for next 40 minutes.
1 – 2 PM
1 hour after Lunch
Prevent premature aging
Increased blood flow
3 – 4 PM
Before Tea / Coffee Break
Eliminates Toxins.
Decreases acid production.
5 -7 PM
1 hour before Dinner
Prevent excess eating
Decreases cancer risk in digestive system.
8 -9 PM
1 hour after Dinner
Increased Nutrients absorption
Prevent constipation
9.30 – 10 PM
1 hour before Sleep
Avoid heart attack
Replenish fluid loss

Follow the rules and stay healthy