Wash hands
• If hands are visibly dirty – wash your hands with soap and running water.
• If hands are not visibly dirty- frequently alcohol based hand rub or clean them by using soap and water.
When to wash hands
• After coughing or sneezing
• When caring for sick
• While preparing food
• Before eating
• After toilet use
• When hands are visibly dirty
• After handling animals or animal waste.
Wash your hands often
• After been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, wash your hands specifically for 20 seconds with soap and water.
• Use a hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol concentration.
• Don’t touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unhygienic hands.
Avoid close contact
• Maintain 6 feet between the sick person and other household members even inside the home.
• Maintain social distance with people when you are going out.
• Remember people without symptoms are able to spread virus.
• Maintain at least 2 arms’ length distance from other people.
• Do not gather in groups.
• Avoid crowded places and mass gatherings.
Using mask
• Everyone should wear a mask around mouth and nose when going out in public, for example: grocery store or to pick up other necessities.
• The mask is meant to protect other people in case you are infected.
• Continue to maintain 6 feet between yourself and others.
Cover coughs and sneezes
• Do not cough or sneeze without covering your mouth and nose with a tissue
• If tissue ,atleast use your inside elbow while coughing or sneezing.
• Throw used tissues in the dustbin.
• Immediately after coughing or sneezing , wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Clean and disinfect
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. EX:- mobilephones, switches, washrooms, keys, car doors, handlebars etc.
• If surfaces are dirty, clean them with soap water.
• Then, use a household disinfectant. .