corona virus - symptoms

CORONAVIRUS DISEASE COVID – 19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus
       Corona viruses  causes illness ranging from the common cold to more  severe diseases such as
       Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and
       Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
       A new Corona virus emerged in Wuhan City,  Hubei Province in China is called as 2019-nCoV
People infected with corona virus will develop mild to moderate illness and do not need hospital stay and can be treated at home.
Most common symptoms:
  • fever.
  • dry cough.
  • tiredness.
Less common symptoms:
  • aches and pains.
  • sore throat.
  • diarrhoea.
  • conjunctivitis.
  • headache.
  • loss of taste or smell.
  • a rash or discoloration of fingers or toes
Serious symptoms:
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • chest pain or pressure.
  • loss of speech or movement.
Hospitalization is needed for people with serious symptoms. . 
 Someone infected with virus may take 4 – 6 days to show the symptoms. For someone it may take 14 days to show up the symptoms.
 Mode of Spread :
Through hands – > 80 %
       After touching the infected surfaces like  immigration counter, ticket counter, door handles,  handrails of staircases or elevators etc, touching the  face, eyes, nose without washing hands
Airborne direct transmission – < 20 %
       when a nearby person sneezes or coughs
               Indoor  Transmission
       Droplets, direct or indirect contact, airborne transmission
               Outdoor Transmission
      Droplets, direct transmission

Person-to-person spread :

·         People are infected with one another who are living within 6 feet distance.
·         Through infected person’s respiratory droplets ( coughs, sneezes, or talks).
·         These droplets can enter into the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
·         COVID-19 may be spread by infected people with no symptoms.

    The virus spread easily in other ways :

·         From touching surfaces or objects.
·         From animals to people - Risk is considered to be low.
·         From people to animals. In some situations.
 lab test :
                       Two types of tests :-
      For current infection - viral test
      For  a previous infection- antibody test

Results :

·        If you test positive for COVID-19 by a viral test – Be prepared to take necessary protective steps  if you are taking care of sick or someone.
·        If you test negative for COVID-19 by a viral test, it means that you were  not infected at the time your sample was collected. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll not get sick. The test result only means that you are not infected with COVID-19 at the time of testing.

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